Time delivery
Price: $299

Silver 3 - $500 skins. ALL AGENTS. Changeable Nickname and Email. (EU WEST)


Normally a Platinum 3 - Diamond 1 account. This season I got Silver 3 after the placements. Do not know how or why. Feeling like it is in ELO HELL.

I am selling this account that exists since BETA, because of the reason mentioned above.

I have chosen MANUAL DELIVERY because I need to remove the friends and change the password when it is sold. Thank you for your understanding.

Classic: Glitchpop, Prism III, Songsteel, Surge
Shorty: Monarch, Aerosol, Ruin
Frenzy: Glitchpop, Couture, Litghtwave, Spitfire
Ghost: EGO, Eclipse, Serenity, Outpost, Cavalier, Depths
Sheriff: Deathwish, K/TAC, Lightwave, Polyfox, Polyfrog, Surge
Stinger: Surge, Cavalier, Couture, Depths,
Spectre: Magepunk, Hivemind, Infinity, Kingdom, Polyfrog, Serenity
Bucky: Lightwave, Aerosol, Cavalier, Kingdom, Surge
Judge: Prism III, Outpost, Polyfox, Serenity
Bulldog: Glitchpop, Couture, Depths, Infinity, Polyfox
Guardian: Songsteel, Infinity, Polyfox, Ruin
Phantom: Prime 2.0, Glitchpop, ION, ONI, Kingdom, Lightwave, Serenity
Vandal: Prime, EGO, Glitchpop, Origin, Reaver, Sakura, Cavalier, Depths, Hivemind, Ruin
Marshal: Songsteel, Couture, Polyfrog, Ruin
Operator: Aerosol, Cavalier
Ares: Outpost, Hivemind, Jigsaw, Polyfrog
Odin: Lightwave, Prism III
Knives: Prime, Forsaken, Glitchpop, Ruin, Prism III, Songsteel