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Price: $459

70 Orc Hunter | Multiple Pre Raid BIS | Kara Attuned + | Fake Name + | Transfer +


70 Orc Hunter on Faerlina Horde
Multiple Pre-Raid BiS
Karazhan Attunement Done
Transfer + | Fake Name +
United States Registered

Helm of the Claw
Talon Lord's Collar
Beast Lord Mantle
Consortium Cloak of the Quick
Vest of Vengeance
Spymistress's Wristguards
Handgrips of Assassination
Telaari Hunting Girdle
Beast Lord Leggings
Boots of the Outlander
Ravenclaw Band
Band of the Exorcist
Bladefist's Breadth
Ancient Draenei War Talisman
Sonic Spear
Melmorta's Twilight Longbow

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