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Price: $349

Level 70 Gnome Warrior | Karazhan Attuned | Leveling Gear | Transfer Available!


Level 70 Gnome Warrior on Faerlina Alliance
Karazhan Attunement Done
Leveling Gear
Ground Mount 100% / Flying 60%
Gold: 250
Transfer Available!

Umbrafen Cap of the Beast
Amethyst Pendant of the Soldier
After Hours Pauldrons
Netherfury Cape
Unscarred Breastplate
Khan'aish Bracers of the Beast
Bloodfist Gloves of the Beast
Fearless Girdle
Legplates of the Bold
Boots of the Decimator
Amaan's Signet
Kokorek's Signet
Bladefist's Breadth
Essence Infused Mushroom
Honed Voidaxe
Zerid's Vintage Musket

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